Our cultural heritage is our gold mine. Digital technology helps to revolutionise its operation in an attractive, universal and sustainable way. Applying digital technologies to cultural content allows museums and monuments to completely reimagine the visitor experience – this is something that we are achieving through close collaborations with them. |
Allow the general public to re-discover the richness of cultural heritage through the use of new visually spectacular interactive technologies – accessible to all, and keeping strict faithfulness to our best scientific knowledge of the past. |
Editorial and technological innovation, artistic sensitivity and passion. |
Outside the castle, the ‘promenade des HistoCams’ enables you to re-discover the Courtyard of the château as it would have been under the Duke and King Henri II Plantagenêt.
Once inside, the novel ‘HistoPad’ technology allows you to discover all the rooms in the château that have now been completely reconstructed in their 12th Century form – the furniture, decor and artefacts are shown in a highly realistic setting depicting the daily life of the Anglo-Norman kingdom.
This is where William the Conqueror was born in 1027, the duke of Normandy who became King of England. Over the course of your visit, you will be shown several different media types, including 12 short films, to let you directly experience the story of the Anglo-Norman kingdom, and to meet the lineage of the Conqueror. This epic saga starts with the story of how he conquered England, and finishes when Normandy was eventually annexed by the French crown.
The HistoPad therefore makes it possible to make invisible things visible, and to handle virtual artefacts as if they were real.
Short original fiction made for the Breitling Reno Air Races brand content campaign (2011).
Whether it is by telling an original story, or by immersing players in a strong interactive experience with the brand at the centre, it is possible to have the audience identify with the message and remember it long-term.
Normandy Productions directed the Breitling ‘Reno Air Races’ campaign, with a short movie for the Web, a game for Smartphone and tablet, and a viral launching via the Web.
Applications for smartphones and tablets